Madiha Fahad
5 min readJun 23, 2024


Health is Wealth

The adage that tooth of health is the tooth of wealth, that is ‘the health of man is his real fortune’ is an aphorism that was embraced by all people in all communities small or large, young or old. Health is correspondingly wealth and this is clearly illustrated in the passage because if one lacks health, they lack everything. Hence, it is an open secret that if a person is not in good health, then he or she cannot be in a position to enjoy life and its fullest extent or complete all its projects or even gather all the materialistic gains that money can bring to the table. This article provides a detailed discussion on the various dimensions of health with emphasis being given to why health has to be compromised if other parts of life are to be managed.

The True Value of Health

With regards to store benefit, it is appreciated when working in its best performing condition and ignored when otherwise. This is more so when persons and the society in the large attaches a lot of value to stay at work, job promotion, wealth and status than their health. However, unless the body and mind are healthy, such gains can just as well be a hoax. These include but are not limited to chronic illnesses, mental illnesses, and physical disabilities whose working, social and even shopping or errands are very hard or even impossible to perform. Therefore, achieving a healthy life does not entail necessarily mean having to live longer but it rather means faring better and happier.

Physical Health and Its Impact:

Physical health refers to the soundness of an individual’s body and its impact on his or her general health.
Hence physical health is beyond doubt one of the aspects of overall health, and any injuring of which poses a danger to the overall general health of a person . The wellbeing of the human body befittingly means a good state of health of the body where the physical body capable of performing utmost activities and tasks in the right and best manner as may be wishful. Physical fitness can also be described as the physical health of the human body that is fit to do the intended tasks that human beings are supposed to do, and may include taking balanced meals, hydration and rest among other practice which that can be made to be done by people. Strengthens the muscles of the heart, help in the development of muscular structures and it promotes body flexibility in order to lead an active/nourishing life. Terminology also reveals that a diet is a natural method of feeding the body, and for this reason, it builds up the body’s immunities towards diseases. This is because rest is involved in fueling power in other activities and sleep is regenerative in nature and implies being made whole again.

Mental Health:

Therefore, there is a clear distinction and deliberate option to partake in: The Perceiving More and, : The Silent Wealth.
No wonder many a person does not realize that it is equally necessary for him or her to pay considerable attention to their steadiness of emotion as it is for him or her to locate and attend to the structure of the body all the time. They can all be described as the state of operation of the psychological mechanisms which define the mental state in terms of thought, feeling, and action of a person. This translates to how life is handled, hence, constitutes the primary foundation of how individuals interact with others, initiate something or even decide. Expectantly, there are likely familiar signs associated with poor mental health including; depression, anxiety and stress related disorders are manifested to respectively result to low quality of life and productivity at workplace. Below are some of the activities that are significant in enhancing good mental health Exercise, prayer as well as meditation, and professional social interactions.

Mental Health: Health issues such as removing prejudices associated with mental illnesses are also also considering as the primary subjects which have to be addressed to save people’s lives.
The Socioeconomic Perspective:
It can be seen that health signifies something very alarming and has immensely far reaching economic connotations. Through increased productivity, sound health strengthens individuals and their ability to produce thus the economy. Collectively, healthier populations will increase the productivity of the health sector and contribute to the improvement of the Gross Domestic Product. Besides, it is crucial to support public health measures, including immunization, access to clean water and health literacy, as these investments in human capital are absolutely profitable due to their positive impact upon people’s well-being and, therefore, economic stability.
Prevention Over Cure:
It is always cheaper and wiser to protect the health of a society than it is to continually manage the various diseases that claim people’s lives. Annual physical exams, immunizations, and regular screenings are other health promotion measures since they allow health complications to be identified early. Changes in behavior regarding the selection and consumption of food, smoking cessation, decreasing alcohol intake and controlling stress contribute to reducing incidence of chronic diseases. Small policy measures for big changes in public health, as well as the private choices that will help us live longer, happier, healthier lives.
Thus, the proverb “health is wealth” may be referred to as a pretty accurate statement which underlines the significance of commodity contingent on health conditions and understanding that health is the highest value. It is the foundation for a comfortable life or the accumulation of capital that allows people to become successful and fully themselves. Some of the issues that are important within the aspect of health include, sound nutrition, disease prevention practices, and good mental state are very critical to the well being of the every individual as well as the society. If people will follow this saying, then poverty and morbidity can be renounced by everyone and turn into an era that health indeed is wealth.



Madiha Fahad

Religious , like poetry , food , little bit like politics